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Mixing Nozzles

Mixing Nozzles

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Static mixing nozzles ensure a swift and mess-free process by allowing homogeneous integration of two materials dispensed from a cartridge. Designed for optimal performance, they provide a consistent and efficient mix in a single action, ensuring accurate mixing ratios through static elements inside. Adhesive mixing nozzles are ideal for projects requiring precise mixing ratios, these nozzles eliminate the need for multiple containers and are suitable for various materials, including adhesives, resins, paints, and sealants.

Available in the size of 17 cm with added 250 mm extension tube, static mixing nozzles offer high efficiency, low-pressure drop, and easy cleanup. They create turbulence as materials flow through, ensuring a uniform mixture. To use, simply attach the mixing nozzle to the cartridge, activate the mixing mechanism, and apply the mixture. Replace or clean the nozzle after each use to maintain performance.